Prieteni si parteneri cu care ne face placere sa lucram

To find a qualified coach in your area, consult the ICF website.

Pour trouver un coach qualifié dans votre région, n'hésitez pas à contacter l'International Coach Federation.

International Coach Federation


Human Invest is a priviledged Metasysteme partner in Romania.  We have shared numerous coaching and training programs with local clients.  Human invest includes a network of ICF-validated coaches trained to the Metasysteme "systemic coaching" approach, ensuring a high-quality service.  The company also offers a number of open courses on management and leadership.  Ask for Viorel.
Infiintata in 1999, Human Invest este o companie din Liga Superioara in arena serviciilor de dezvoltare a competentelor si proceselor de leadership.. Aceasta pozitie a fost castigata datorita calitatii inalte si relevantei solutiilor oferite. Succesul programelor noastre se bazeaza pe expertiza si experienta partenerilor locali, a echipei de traineri, consultanti si facilitatori si pe metodologiile cu excelenta reputatie internationala ale unor companii precum: Ken Blanchard, Metasysteme, Tom Peters UK, Inscape Publishing, Harvard Business School Publishing/Enovate, Human Synergistics. Pentru mai multe informatii viziteaza-ne la
Pentru mai multe informatii viziteaza-ne la


Humans Coaching is a privileged Metasysteme partner in IASI.  Both Felicia and Mihai Stoica are actively committed to developing the IASI and Moldavia systemic coaching community, within the high Metasysteme and ICF quality standards.

"Humans Coaching has risen as a need to offer our organizational clients personal and professional systemic development opportunities.  Since 2008 both Mihai and Felicia Stoica have trained with Alain Cardon and Metasysteme Coaching to become systemic individual and team coaches. 

"Humans Coaching is part of Humans network (Founded in 2007): A team of 11 consultants that offers a variety of programs for people and organizational development. We are proud that our consultants are trained psychologists who offer custom-made development programs based on Accelerated Learning delivery methods, no slides, within a focused and relaxed atmosphere, providing participants very effective feed-forward, etc.  Based in IASI and operating all over Romania and Moldavia, we have succeeded in becoming a preferred Romanian partner for many national and multinational companies.

And to contact Mihai directly:

HUMANS website:


Mihai Stanescu.  Long time Business & Life Coach in Romania.  Mihai is a central figure in the coaching environment of Romania.  His sharp business sense, professionalism and numerous other qualities don't need to be underlined here, as you will notice them as soon as you meet him.

Mobile Phone: +40 723 200 815

Mihai's website
mihai's BLOG