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Alain, I need to confess: I waited for 2 years before I could approach you and start training with you as a coach in 2009. I was that terrified! Now I know why: I was terrified of my own transformation that I may have not been ready for, at the time. Working with you is surely not for the faint-hearted or for the confort seeker. But once I dared to work with you, countless gifts started to flow in my personal and professional life. Every time I come in contact with you I am amazed at the depths of learning and the fun I have. The Supervision Marathon this week has been - again -a blast. Thank you so much - to you and all the beautiful people you attracted in the room. Casandra Bischoff
“L-am cunoscut pe Alain Cardon in 2007 cu ocazia participarii la cursul Fundamentele Coaching-ului. Am fost impresionata de metoda de lucru a lui Alain. In cadrul cursului, Alain face coaching in permanenta cu participantii, oferind astfel numeroase exemple din care poti invata. Invatarea este graduala si se bazeaza foarte mult pe practica si feedback. In prezent particip la Modulul de supervizare si am ocazia sa ma perfectionez continuu. Lucram in echipa si suntem asistati de Alain la fiecare pas. Alain ne ofera ocazia sa „furam” din mers tehnici si metode de coaching si sa ne imbogatim tehnicile pe care le-am dobandit deja pana acum. Pentru mine, faptul ca lucrez cu Alain este si o placere si o onoare.” Elena Calin – Customer focus
“I am pleased to recommend Alain Cardon as a coach who conducts the Supervision program for coaches. It has been an intense and great learning experience for me as I am preparing to pass the ICF program and I feel that took my coaching ability to the next level. I was surprised to get that who I am is that there is an „either/or” about everything in my life including my relationship with myself, my partner, my clients and my coaching. In seeing that I got free from the constraint this world view has been imposing on my life and got in action to exercise (which I have been postponing for months), develop my business (took decisive actions to contact potential clients) and live a life in which I – and my clients - can have it all. Thank you Alain! » Dan Mocanu - Executive Coach , Aperio
“During the Coaching Fundamentals with Alain I have gradually discovered how different perspectives and the changing of the frames of references can influence both professional and personal life. As a manager, I may say that I have made a crucial step to a superior level of understanding the complexity of my work environment and the subtle mechanism of motivation. I will not go into details, but the result was amazing: for me, for my family and also for my team members. Beyond that, I continously discover new path for achieving my goals and provoke my patterns. Could this process be so intense without Alain’ Supervision? I do not know the answer, but his unique style is making my journey a masterful way. I am looking forward for 2010 workshops which I have planned to attend. In my opinion, Alain’s Workshops are essential not only for future coaches, but for all the managers and leaders of the future.” Bogdan Vasilescu, Product Manager, La Roche
“I wanted to fly. Fly very high. Together with Alain Cardon I was able to do it. Pacing lively in the "coaching fundaments" programme, towards the end I lifted myself from the ground. In "supervision" I learned to fly, higher and higher. Since I met with Alain, my career has changed, my relationships have changed, my life has changed. And now I am a truly accomplished person. Thank you, Alain!” Ionelia Chirvase, Coach, Metasysteme Coaching
I am currently in the second cycle of coaching supervision with Alain and I confirm to anyone willing to become a coach professional that this process is exactly what you need to keep improving your coaching skills and practice. I do not now of other coaching supervision process of a similar quality and with a Master Certified Coach here in Romania. The process is very efficient and results oriented. It is a place for those interested in really developing their practice, not just in spending a nice time together with other coaches. Expect to be challenged, be open for many "Aha"-s, paradigm shifts and changes of the frame of reference. I also like the monthly session format because it provides a rhythm in this development process. Rares Manolescu, Senior Manager, Human Invest