Being chairman of many companies and not a coach, I was very skeptical about the usefulness of the course. But the "Fundamentals of Coaching" transformed a lot my management style. It eased it and made it more empowering for my colleagues. The funny and amazing part is that I found the principles of your coaching method very counter-intuitive in the beginning and I was surprised by its fast and impressive results, getting clients to find their solutions on their own.
On a personal matter, the effect was even more important and I learnt what active listening means and how much it can bring. Though I perceived i have excellent relationships with my friends and family, I can still say that it took them to a higher level. Congratulations once again. Walid Abboud, Sensiblu, A&D Pharma, Mediplus...
'Having the honour and pleasure to participate Alain's 'Fundamentals' is like going back to basics, to YOUR own basic behaviours: carefully listening, caring, being there. It is more than accompanying your client by asking for the best in him/her, it is every single moment about accompanying yourself in your own discovery journey.' Adriana Ross-Maugourd METRO Executive HR, Bucharest
O experienta unica de dezvoltare personala L-am cunoscut pe Alain intr-un moment in care nu reuseam sa-mi gasesc raspunsuri la multe intrebari. Dupa o intalnire care a durat cca. 1 ora am decis sa urmez programul Fundamentele coaching-ului si asta pentru ca am reusit in acea ora sa reduc multitudinea intrebarilor la una singura. Si totul s-a simplificat enorm.,
Primul modul, “Ascultarea”, a fost “piatra mea de incercare”. Sa ma concentrez pe partenerul de dialog si nu pe subiect sau pe ce cred eu despre subiect, reprezenta pentru mine o perspectiva noua, simplu de inteles si extrem de greu de pus in practica. Abordarea bazata pe practica a programului a fost cea care m-a ajutat sa fac primii pasi in acesta directie. Beneficiul este incredibil, timp mai scurt, mai putina energie consumata. Am observat asta mai intai in relatiile profesionale, in situatia in care aparea un dezacord si cautam o solutie impreuna cu cei implicati. Am mai descoperit cat de important este “sa fii prezent” si asta ma ajuta foarte mult atat in relatia cu clientii nostri, cat si personal, in relatia cu fiul meu. Continuarea programului cu Supervizarea a venit natural, in contextul in care am inceput sa practic ceea ce am invatat in cadrul Fundamentelor si am constatat ca am in continuare nevoie de suport practic, de variante diferite de a aborda o situatie. Felul in care a conceput Alain aceste module este foarte eficient. Pur si simplu, in procesul de dezvoltare mea ca si coach, beneficiez de experienta unui grup intreg. Cred ca pentru oricine doreste sa faca un pas important in dezvoltarea personala, participarea la Fundamentele coaching-ului este oportunitatea de a aborda mult mai eficient situatiile profesionale si personale pe care le intalneste. Multumeasc Alain pentru tot sprijinul oferit, Daniela Cretu, Partener, SMARTREE
What inspires me the most is the way you love people and your passion for what you do. Just talking with you and everything seems possible and easy to achieve. I can say that the main outcome from all the interactions with you during courses, supervision or social meetings is the fact I found myself, what I really want and what to do to achieve it. I'm grateful for the right words you said to me in difficult situations as well as in the happy ones, even though they were not all formulated as questions. A warm Thank You from my heart. Magda Blidarus
When I first came to the Metasysteme coaching course, I was in the middle of a huge personal crisis - everything in my life was falling apart. Thanks to coaching, I could see again the perspective, get out of my blockages and start moving again. So, I began being a coach for myself and later helped others grow as well. Becoming a coach is a wonderful adventure and I fully enjoy it every day. The most amazing thing is that now I am living the life I would not have dared to dream about before. And it is not always with pink glasses, but it is a free, open and joyful life. I am very grateful to have met you and I hope that our roads may cross again in the future. Raluca Mohanu
J’ai connu Alain Cardon à travers ses livres et dans l’action. Le style direct et très pragmatique de coaching et travail en équipe découvert dans ses livres m’a donné l’envie de le solliciter pour des situations concrètes. Notre collaboration fut très fructueuse et ceci à plusieurs reprises.
Alain nous a aidé dans un premier temps à développer l’esprit d’initiative et de transversalité des managers d’une équipe RH destinée à servir les 9000 de collaborateurs de la BRD, filiale roumaine de la Société Générale, dont j’étais le DRH. Le fonctionnement en mode « délégué » avait bien plu aux participants et était devenu une habitude au sein de l’équipe.
Par ailleurs, une partie de mes anciens consultants spécialisés dans la gestion de la carrière et le management des talents ont participé au Fondamentaux du Coaching animés avec beaucoup de professionnalisme et authenticité par Alain. Ces formations leur a permis d’être beaucoup plus à l’écoute de nos collègues, tout en développant leur leadership et leur influence au sein de l’organisation.
A Paris, en tant que Directeur Adjoint des Ressources Humaines de la Banque de Détail à l’International de la Société Générale (plus de 60.000 collaborateurs dans 36 pays) j’ai eu le plaisir d’inviter Alain pour l’animation d’un stage de coaching destiné à développer l’efficacité d’une équipe projet internationale qui travaille sur le déploiement d’un outil informatique RH.
Dans toutes ces situations, les conseils d’Alain nous ont été d’une forte utilité et les résultats n’ont pas tardé: vision systémique sur le fonctionnement d’une entreprise, gestion proactive des processus de décisions pour les managers et davantage d’engagement, de responsabilité et de transparence pour l’ensemble des équipes. Florin Luca BRD-Deputy HR Director, International Retail Banking, Société Générale
„Intâlnirea cu Alain Cardon a avut un impact major asupra mea. Pot să spun că Alain mi-a schimbat traiectoria profesională şi nu numai, întâlnirea cu el m-a schimbat pe mine ca om. Fiecare dialog, workshop ori sesiune de supervizare cu Alain mă face să reflectez asupra unor aspecte pe care nu le aveam în vedere până atunci. Întrebările lui Alain sunt ca laserul, uneori reci şi necruţătoare, însă de fiecare dată foarte bine ţintite. Fiecare întrebare îţi aduce o nouă perspectivă asupra lucrurilor şi este o invitaţie la acţiune. În sesiunile de supervizare Alain este alături de tine însă nu va face nimic în locul tău. Tu eşti cel care parcurgi calea către măiestria profesională iar întrebările lui nu fac decât să te ajute să găseşti această cale, care este unică pentru fiecare dintre noi. „ Alexandru Frumosu, Experto credite
Last evening, while reading the throughts of your newsletter, I realized that were the exact words I needed to challenge my state of mind. Two hours before that I had a personal learning experience that made me think deep about myself, who am I in present, what has changed inside myself and what do I want to change in the future. It seems that coaching is not only about changing the frame of reference, is also about transmitting a sort of subtile energy that goes exactly where is needed, in order to catalize some processes. Thank you for your non-targeted but right on time words! R.M.
Am gasit site-ul dvs cautand informatii despre triunghiul dramatic si mi s-a parut absolut excelent. M-am mirat chiar cum de nu am auzit de dvs. pana acum, mi se pare foarte relevant in continut si va felicit pentru aceasta. S.A.
“During the Coaching Fundamentals with Alain I have gradually discovered how different perspectives and the changing of the frames of references can influence both professional and personal life. As a manager, I may say that I have made a crucial step to a superior level of understanding the complexity of my work environment and the subtle mechanism of motivation. I will not go into details, but the result was amazing: for me, for my family and also for my team members. Beyond that, I continously discover new path for achieving my goals and provoke my patterns. Could this process be so intense without Alain’s Supervision? I do not know the answer, but his unique style is making my journey a masterful way. I am looking forward to workshops which I have planned to attend. In my opinion, Alain’s Workshops are essential not only for future coaches, but for all the managers and leaders of the future.” Bogdan Vasilescu, Product Manager, La Roche
Alain ne imbogateste viata prin viziunea sa, magia asocierii notiunilor, prin capacitatea sa de a radiografia si diagnostica realitati si in acelasi timp, de a nu eticheta sau judeca. Exact ca si Jules Verne ne invita intr-o calatorie in jurul lumii cu Balonul fermecat (Coaching). Ne ofera Ochelarii sau Binoclul sau (Instrumentele Coachingului) pentru a dobandi noi dimensiuni asupra lumii. Si in Balonul Sau avem Locul/Spatiul sa ne dezvoltam noi sa-i ajutam pe cei ce o doresc. Si ne mai ofera si Apa magica (arta intrebari mestesugite ce deblocheaza). Cu fiecare curs sau supervizare simti cum schimbarile dorite se instaleaza si ai de unde sa oferi celor mai putin norocosi ca tine. Si, poate, cel mai frumos lucru care ti se poate intampla dupa intalnirile cu Alain este sa observi cum clientii se lumineaza dupa cateva minute de Coaching. Paula Drosescu
“Working with Alain has changed my life. I met him when I was a manager and now I have my own coaching business. I have participated to all his workshops and each time I have discovered and learned new things about myself. I have started my way to coaching like building a house: I have a foundation, then I added the walls and now it is the time for interior design. And Alain supported me with all this construction. Thank you very much Alain for making me aware of the architecture of my life.”
Rodica Obancea
"Nu-mi amintesc exact cum am luat decizia sa ma formez in coaching. Probabil ca asa trebuia sa se intample. Am facut lucrurile asezat (adica potrivit "pattern/ului meu") - intai Fundamente - 1 an, apoi Supervizare, inca 1 an. Vreme de 2 ani si mai bine, Alain Cardon, coach si creator de scoala, a fost parte din viata mea profesionala. Am "furat", din mers, multe tehnici pe care le-am folosit in lucrul meu cu studentii. Am testat instrumentele dobandite cat de repede am avut prilejul. Stiam, din tot ceea ce invatasem pana atunci, ca daca vreau o schimbare, cel mai la indemana imi este sa incep cu mine. Cum? Aceasta a fost intrebarea la care am gasit raspunsul abia atunci cand am inceput sa ma formez in coaching, lucrand din ce in ce mai mult cu "clientul". Ce am mai invatat de la Alain? Dupa ce in mintea ta nu mai este nimic si clientul are tot spatiul necesar lui insusi, depasindu-si limitele, atunci te poti intoarce catre tine aflandu-te mai bogat, mai recunoscator." Daniela Visoianu
The Cubes Exercise Risk Management workshop with Alain turned out to be a journey to the centre of earth. As the name suggest, the two day exercise did involve cubes. But, as to be expected when working with Alain, the cubes functioned merely as the looking glass through which to observe ones very own creation called reality. The Cubes Exercise is a simple and powerful tool that offers as much and as meaningful information as the observer is willing to discover. Implicit personal strategies that powerfully influence a multitude of areas (for e.g.: project management, teamwork, personal life planning, relationships) were exposed and the meaning of seemingly unrelated events and experiences could be understood in the context of bigger patterns. For coaches interested to accompany their clients (individuals as well as teams) to new levels of insight around their patterns, strategies and hidden agendas, this exercise is a true gem. To see it is to believe it. Nadjeschda Hebenstreit, PCC