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The four workshops presented below are designed as active learning environments within which executives and leaders are expected to gain new awareness, change perspectives, acquire practical tools, practice new behaviors, set objectives for change in their personal and professional lives, and develop networks with other participants.
The workshop designs rest on delegated learning processes and some individual coaching. They generally model an empowering management approach. This learning architecture allows each participant to actively learn by practicing and experimenting at their own rhythm, so as to come to their own conclusions and decisions. In short, the four workshops below model learning processes that are in keeping with fundamental coaching principles.
A two-day foundational workshop for leaders, managers, coaches, consultants, trainers, and HR specialists.
Two intense days of theory and practice on the special perspective a systemic coaching approach can add to your comprehension of teams and organizations, of how they work, of how they grow to become winners, of how they evolve in time and of how they reconfigure.
Outcomes: Participants will acquire:
- A clear understanding of their own profile: their personal potential and challenges as entrepreneurs, team members, executives, managers, coaches or consultants. Knowing oneself is of the utmost importance when facing a team, participating in its growth and accompanying its developmental process.
- A revisited understanding of teams and organizations as performance achievers and project management systems.
- A deeper knowledge of four key team and organizational cultures: how to adapt one's leadership, coaching and management to help each one of these organizational benefit from its full specific potential.
- A systemic tool to accompany teams as they diagnose their own profiles and define their own potentials. This tool can be central in a team coaching process. The tool is free of royalties and can be used by professionals immediately following the workshop.
- Clear connections with other existing management models, such as Blake and Mouton, Hersey and Blanchard, Process Communication (Taïbi Kahler), time management models, motivational models, etc.
- An introduction to systemic theory as it applies to leadership, executive profiles, project management, organization development, team coaching and organizational coaching.
Basic knowledge and experience of management or coaching is necessary, as this workshop will not cover the fundamentals of a coaching or managerial posture.
Trainer: Alain Cardon MCC, one of the foremost internationally recognized specialists on systemic coaching and team coaching.
Two intensive days to acquire specific skills to better lead individuals and teams as performance-focused collaborative environments. This advanced workshop is specifically tailored for entrepreneurs, executives, leaders, project and network managers, team and organizational coaches and team development consultants.
Outcomes: Participants will acquire:
- A clearly defined and new systemic understanding of how to develop teams into results-oriented and truly participative, empowered organizational environments.
- A set of specific tools to help each create such an environment in their own teams and organizations or the ones they accompany as consultants and coaches. These tools are free of royalties and can be immediately applied by professionals following the workshop.
- A new comprehensive understanding of the framework that allows for effective delegation in the teams each participant leads as a leader or manager or accompanies as a coach.
- Personal behaviors that will help each define and assume pertinent positions as team members, team leaders or team coaches.
- A new awareness and tools to accompany large systems of fifty or more employees as these work on achieving strategic and operational success.
- New tools to effectively develop collaborative behaviors, clarify information flow, stop rumors, make and communicate collective decisions, follow up action plans, etc. in performing teams and organizations.
This workshop delivers a transformational model that can be implemented within client teams either with a training and consulting approach, or be gradually "revealed" with a systemic team coaching or organizational process. It has proved its effectiveness in numerous client teams, to help achieve much better measurable results on the one hand, and to help change management cultures and behaviors on the other.
Consequently the systemic delegation model offers a communication architecture that permits a gradual shift in team and organization paradigms and cultures. It facilitates collective growth towards better transversality, ownership, accountability, team maturity, focus on results, confrontation, and general business sense.
Basic understanding of management and coaching is necessary as this workshop will not cover the fundamentals of a management or coaching posture.
Trainer : Alain Cardon MCC, foremost internationally recognized specialist in executive and team coaching.
Two intense days of theory and practice on how to radically change personal and corporate frames of references concerning the way individuals, teams and organizations set goals, in order to achieve extraordinary results.
Outcomes: Participants will engage in practical work concerning their businesses, such as:
- Revisit their current year goals and expected outcomes in the fields and dimensions of their choice, and reevaluate them in the light of their full potentials.
- Replace limiting personal and corporate self-confirming beliefs and behavior patterns concerning possible achievements with others that can permit the full expression of their talents and potentials.
- Acquire a process by which they can accompany their teams, organizations and clients to achieve extraordinary financial, growth, quality, safety, etc. results in a very short period of time.
- Reconsider their frames of reference in order to lead their personnel, teams and organizations to overachieve, or develop by 20% or more yearly.
- Learn a delegation process focused on outcomes that can help their teams and organizations develop to expressing their full potential.
- Develop the appropriate posture to accompany individual, team and organizational clients while they design and implement success patterns to become the performance benchmarks in their fields.
Basic understanding of management and coaching is necessary as this workshop will not cover the fundamentals of a management or coaching posture.
Trainer: Alain Cardon MCC, Foremost internationally recognized specialist on executive and team coaching.
This two-day workshop is designed around a goal-setting and achievement exercise that reveals individual and collective risk-management patterns strategies and processes. It has been successfully used to accompany risk management for airline pilots, bankers, entrepreneurs, sales forces, high potential sports champions, etc. Be prepared to actively participate, i.e. discover your own success patterns and decide if how you may want to improve them.
Outcomes: Participants will:
- Explore and revisit their current risk-management processes in how they set goals and achieve results in the fields and dimensions of their choice.
- Get firsthand experiential learning on the effects of comparative benchmarking, competition, rewards, recognition, peer pressure, hierarchy, etc. on their risk management patterns and results.
- Know which limiting personal and corporate beliefs, behavior patterns, processes and procedures need to be modified or replaced to achieve better risk management and more satisfactory results.
- Acquire a practical tool by which they can accompany their teams, organizations and clients to reconsider how they manage risk (or non-risk) to achieve better financial, growth, quality, safety, etc. results in a very short period of time.
- Reconsider their frames of reference as to why and how some people, teams and organizations overachieve, or yearly develop by 20% or more.
- Learn criteria that can allow them to better manage or coach projects, careers, business ventures, sales teams, or any situation focused on achieving goals.
- Develop the appropriate posture to accompany their personnel, teams and organizations to design and implement success patterns and become the performance benchmarks in their own fields.
Basic understanding of management and coaching is necessary as this workshop will not cover the fundamentals of a management or coaching posture.
Trainer: Alain Cardon MCC, Foremost internationally recognized specialist on executive and team coaching.